who we are

About the Foundation

The Foundation’s origin go back to 1976 when The Jaycees Community Foundation Inc was established by the Western Australian members of Australian Jaycees (now known as JCI Australia). JCI was then the world’s largest personal development organisation for young people. The Foundation’s role was to undertake community projects or programs too large for individual Jaycee chapters or that required ongoing management. Its Board comprised senior members of local Jaycee chapters or life members (Senators) of JCI. You can learn about the major structural change that occurred on 1 January 2023 by clicking on OUR EVOLUTION below

Our mission

Our Mission is captured in our Constitutional Objects:

a.) Advancing culture by establishing, operating or assisting any individual or organisation to establish, operate or enhance any museum, collection, exhibition, library, research facility or other platform that will present literary or artistic works or preserve, restore or present memorabilia of historical significance to Australia;

b.) Promoting and protecting human rights and advancing public debate and/or promotion of changes to law, policy or practice in Australia with the objective of delivering equity, fairness, civil rights and achievement of Australia’s commitment to human rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;

c.) Advancing social or public welfare by developing, sponsoring or supporting programs that may relieve poverty, distress or disadvantage of individuals or families with particular emphasis on the aged and youth.

Our vision

Our Vision is simply:

”Making Australia a better place”

Our values

Act honestly in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct and ensure consistency between word and deed

Be accountable for all actions – personal, social and civic

Strive for excellence in the pursuit of all objectives both individually and collectively

Innovation & Creativity
Be innovative and creative in thought and project and program development

Encourage personal growth and development and devolve responsibility and authority (where appropriate) to promote a high level of trust among board and staff

Environmental Responsibility
Respect the natural and cultural environment and use resources effectively and efficiently

Social Equity
Be committed to the pursuit and protection of the common good where all persons are entitled to legal, social and economic fair treatment and equal opportunity

Treat others with consideration and respect

Maintain a consultative and participative approach to communications and decision making

Making Australia a better place

Our Projects & Programs

Social Justice Program

There is no clear framework to compensate those wrongly or fraudulently convicted and imprisoned in Western Australia.

Authors Publishing Platform

In 2023, we established a separate division to fill what we see as a niche in the indie (self) publishing market.

Australia’s Last Whaling Station

Our predecessor structure – The Jaycees Community Foundation Inc (now named Albany Heritage Foundation Inc)

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

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